*MD Azim hossain Rashed, *CHITTAGONG, *BANGLADESH, * +8801674247070


Tuesday, 10 July 2012


To be able to various types of composition is one of the objectives of our students learning English language. But writing a good composition is not an easy task. In the case of students, writing different types of composition, such as a paragraph, a report, a dialogue,   a story, a letter, etc is very  important  part of the English syllabus designed for the students of class 9-10 and SSC Examination.
However, to write a meaningful composition, it is not necessary that it should  be written in superfluous language with big, difficult words. One can express one's feeling in plain, simple.
Language while writing a composition.
In the composition part of the book, we'll deal with several types of  composition as indicated in the site.

                                                              ----MD Azim hossain (Rashed)

=>>> A report is a factual and objective piece of writing describing a situation , an event or an incident in an orderly and coherent manner.
In report writing, stunts will be asked to write a simple report on an event, incident or on an imaginary situation. Students are supposed to write reports for their friends or teacher . They will not be asked to write any newspaper reports. Topics for report writing be given with a situation.

Report writing  Significantly :

> When and where did the event take place?
> What is the main content of the event?
> By whom the event is happened?
> The sequence of events?
> How did the event take place?
> Side effects of the event?
